Welcome to Pablo and Bianka!
We welcome Pablo and Bianka who will do their PhD in our lab.
We're saying good bye to Jasmin and Dominik!
We're sad to say good bye to Jasmin and Dominik! After many years in the lab it is hard to see you leave, we wish you all the best for your future.
Check out our paper on processing of FUBI-eS30 in eLife!
The ubiquitin-like protein FUBI and the ribosomal protein eS30 are synthesized as one polypeptide chain. In our recent eLife publication we discovered that USP36 is involved in endoproteolytic cleavage of the fusion protein; a reaction licensing efficient final maturation of 40S subunits. Congratulations to Jasmin, Caroline, Kerstin, Emanuel, Ivo and Ulli!