Welcome to Ivan!
We welcome Ivan Kisly to our lab as a post-doctoral fellow!
Welcome to Pablo and Bianka!
We welcome Pablo and Bianka who will do their PhD in our lab.
We're saying good bye to Jasmin and Dominik!
We're sad to say good bye to Jasmin and Dominik! After many years in the lab it is hard to see you leave, we wish you all the best for your future.
Check out our paper on processing of FUBI-eS30 in eLife!
The ubiquitin-like protein FUBI and the ribosomal protein eS30 are synthesized as one polypeptide chain. In our recent eLife publication we discovered that USP36 is involved in endoproteolytic cleavage of the fusion protein; a reaction licensing efficient final maturation of 40S subunits. Congratulations to Jasmin, Caroline, Kerstin, Emanuel, Ivo and Ulli!
Congratulations to Dominik for defending his PhD!
Congratulations to Kerstin for defending her PhD thesis!

Last week we celebrated the successful PhD defense of Kerstin! After the virtual defense, we all enjoyed an apero outdoors!
Check out our new review on NPC diassembly and reassembly!
Together with the lab of Wolfram Antonin we published a review on "Mitotic disassembly and reassembly of nuclear pore complexes".
Four of our lab members highlighted by NCCR women

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of women's right to vote in Switzerland, the NCCR introduces women working in Swiss research institutes. Four of our lab members have been highlighted in a recent video, in which they explain more about their research.
Our review on The Diverse Cellular Functions of INM Proteins is out!
In case you have not seen it yet, read all about the diverse cellular functions of inner nuclear membrane (INM) proteins in our latest review. Written by a previous postdoc in our lab, Sumit Pawar, and Ulrike Kutay, the review has been published in CSH perspectives in Biology and provides an extensive overview of the latest work on INM proteins.
Ulrike wins the ALEA award!

The Art of Leadership Award 2020 has been won by Ulrike Kutay! We are grateful to work with Ulrike and are excited to see her leadership efforts rewarded as deserved. Congratulations as well to the other finalists, Heini Wernli and Oliver Renn. Also thanks to AVETH for organizing the award to support us in honoring Ulrike as an exemplary leader.
Welcome to Bianka, Leonie, Claudia and Lara!
We welcome our semester and master students Bianka, Leonie, Claudia and Lara to the lab. They will work on their projects in our lab for 3 or 6 months.
Our paper on LAP1 and Torsin ATPases out in eLife!
A new paper by our lab in collaboration with the Fierz lab (EPFL) is now out in eLife: "Torsin ATPases influence chromatin interaction of the Torsin regulator LAP1". Congratulations to all authors!