Welcome: Martin, David, Yannick and Goodbye: Laura!
The Barral group welcomes three new students: Martin Hansen, David Qiu and Yannick Wyss while the Kroschewski group says goodbye to Laura Schenkel.

We welcome: Martin Hansen, a bachelor student, who will work on a project entitled "Investigating mating partner discrimination in budding yeast" with Lina; David Qiu, a master student, who will work on a project entitled "Segregation behaviour of extrachromosomal DNA with incorporated Ark1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe" with Hiro; Yannick Wyss, a semester student, who will work on a project entitled "Diffusion barriers and the control of aging" with Lina and Nana, and wishes them a pleasant and fruitful stay! We also say goodbye to Dr. Laura Schenkel who successfully defended her PhD thesis on September 6th and wish her all the best with her future endeavours!