Welcome: Martin, David, Yannick and Goodbye: Laura!

The Barral group welcomes three new students: Martin Hansen, David Qiu and Yannick Wyss while the Kroschewski group says goodbye to Laura Schenkel.
New collaborative paper in Molecular Cell Biology!

The collaborative paper among the Picotti, Barral, and Saarikangas groups has just been published on Molecular Cell.
Congrats to the Kroschewski group!

Laura and Ruth publish with coworkers a paper in Molecular Biology of the Cell.
Welcomes & Goodbyes

Many comings and goings this summer: the Barral group welcomes Théodore as a PhD student and Raphaela as apprentice and says goodbye to Sandro, Mattia and Maksym and the Kroshewski group welcomes Ronima as a PhD student.
Welcome Nick!

Our lab welcomes our new semester student: Nick Schürmann.
New paper in PNAS: Congrats to Yves and collaborators!

The new paper entitled "Mitotic chromosome condensation resets chromatin to safeguard transcriptional homeostasis during interphase" by Lucía Ramos-Alonso; Petter Holland; Stéphanie Le Gras; Xu Zhao; Bernard Jost; Magnar Bjørås; Yves Barral; Jorrit M. Enserink; Pierre Chymkowitch has been published on PNAS 120 (4) e2210593120.
Congratulations Dr. Meier!

On January 20th, Sandro Meier successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "The Role of +Tip Phase Separation on Budding Yeast Microtubule Function". The whole Barral Lab congratulates him! He will soon move to the lab of Dan Jarosz in Stanford to work on the role of prions in host-microbiome interactions for his postdoc.