Neurohr Group
Cell size and cell homeostasis lab

Institut für Biochemie
Otto-Stern-Weg 3
The size paradoxon
From bacteria to eukaryotes all cells of a specific type have a characteristic size. Size homeostasis is therefore a universal feature of cells. Deviations from normal cell size coincide with altered cell function during pathological processes, such as cell senescence or cell transformation, suggesting that having a defined size is critical for optimal function. This optimal size can however vary: Unicellular organisms adjust their size to environmental conditions and within a multicellular organism different cell types can have vastly different sizes. Cell size is therefore tightly regulated but can vary substantially. Our lab is interested in understanding why it is important for cells to have a specific size and how changes in cell size contribute to altered function during cell senescence and differentiation. For this purpose, we use a combination of genetics, live cell microscopy and quantitative transcriptomics and proteomics approaches in budding yeast and mammalian systems.
Currently we are working on the following projects:
Image sources Left: Mogana Das Murtey and Patchamuthu Ramasamy; Middle: David M. Phillips; Right: Gabriel Neurohr