Congrats Dr. Vainio!

On October 31st, Veera Vainio successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "The role of ATM in the clustering of plasmid DNA in mammalian cells". The Kroschewski and Barral Labs congratulate her and wish her all the best in her future endevours!
Arrivals & Departures

We welcome Flavia Brugia (left) and Wei-Han Lin (center) as of November 1st. We are also saying goodbye to Prof. Kupiec (right) that after his visit in the Barral Lab has returned to his home institution.
New collaborative paper in Nature Biotechnology: Congrats to Tom & Yves!

The collaborative paper among the Picotti, Barral, and Schwede groups has just been published on Nature Biotechnology.
Arrivals & Departures

We are happy to welcome to our Lab Ivana Vukšinić (left) as a new Master's student and Luis de Sousa (center) as an Apprentice. Ivana will work on "Mechanisms of genome protection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" with Rachel while Luis on "Microtubule plus-end condensates and nuclear positioning during mating in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" with Michaela. We are also saying goodbye to Dr. Saini (right) and wish her all the best in her future career.
Welcome Martin!

The Barral Lab welcomes Martin Kupiec a Full Professor in Applied Microbiology at Tel Aviv University as visiting professor for the next 2.5 months. Martin is interested in studying aging and memory in yeast.
Goodbye Hassan, Loïc, Martin, Maxime, Raphaela, Trisha and Stephanie!

In July the group organzied some events to say goodbye to those leaving the group: Hassan, Loïc, Martin, Maxime, Raphaela, Trisha and Stephanie: we will miss you guys and wish you all the best in your future endevours!
Tom's paper is on bioRxiv

Thomas R. Peskett, Sung Sik Lee, Yves Barral "A protein condensation network contextualises cell fate decisions" bioRxiv(2024)
Congratulations Dr. Saini!

On March 28th, Shweta Saini successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Self vs Non-self DNA discrimination in fission yeast". The whole Barral Lab congratulates her!
Congrats to Sandro and Yves!

The review entitled "Microtubule specialization by +TIP networks: from mechanisms to functional implications" by Sandro and Yves with Michel Steinmetz (PSI) is now out in Trends in Biochemical Science.
Congratulations Dr. Mustapha!

On January 25th, Hassan Mustapha successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Genomic and Proteomic Screening for Candidates Involved in the Genetic Immunity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae". The whole Barral Lab congratulates him!