Welcome Jordan!

Jordan McCarthy joins the Barral Lab as a PhD student and will work on "Mechanisms governing chromosome segregation in ageing and stress".
Congratulations Dr. Parfenova!

On June 16th Iuliia has successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Mechanisms facilitating decision-making and memory in response to pheromone in budding yeast S. cerevisiae". The whole Barral Lab wishes her all the best in her future endevours!
Welcome Matilda!

Matilda Werner joins the Barral Group as an apprentice as of August 1st. She will work with Nana and Shweta on a project entitled “Investigating the role of various centromere and kinetochore proteins in the maintenance of endogenous extrachromosomal DNA in Fission yeast".
Welcome Max!

The Barral Lab welcomes Maksym Yermolaiev who joined the group as a scientific assistant as of August 1st!