Tom and Yves attend the NCCR RNA & Disease Retreat
Tom and Yves attend the NCCR RNA & Disease Retreat (21.-23.03.2022) where they present their work.
Sandro and Alex present their research at the BML Meeting!

Sandro and Alex presented their research results and plans at the BML monthly meeting in February and March, respectively!
New paper in Current Biology: Congratulations to Iuliia and Yves!

The paper co-authored by Iuliia and Yves entitled "Whi3 mnemon association with endoplasmic reticulum membranes confines the memory of deceptive courtship to the yeast mother cell" (authors: Yasmin Lau, Henry Patrick Oamen, Marcel Grogg, Iuliia Parfenova, Juha Saarikangas, Robin Hannay, Richard Alan Nichols, Donald Hilvert, Yves Barral, Fabrice Caudron) has been published in Current Biology!