
The nuclear basket regulates distribution and mobility of nuclear pore complexes in budding yeast
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An amphipathic helix in Brl1 is required for nuclear pore complex biogenesis in S. cerevisiae.
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The Nuclear Pore Complex: Birth, Life, and Death of a Cellular Behemoth.
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The RNA export factor Mex67 functions as a mobile nucleoporin.
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Quantitative imaging of chromatin decompaction in living cells.
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Observation of live chromatin dynamics in cells via 3D localization microscopy using Tetrapod point spread functions. Shechtman Y, Gustavsson AK, Petrov PN, Dultz E, Lee MY, Weis K, Moerner WE.
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A glucose-​starvation response regulates the diffusion of macromolecules.
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Global reorganization of budding yeast chromosome conformation in different physiological conditions.
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A Nup133-​dependent NPC-​anchored network tethers centrosomes to the nuclear envelope in prophase.
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Live imaging of single nuclear pores reveals unique assembly kinetics and mechanism in interphase.
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Formation of the nuclear envelope permeability barrier studied by sequential photoswitching and flux analysis.
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Nuclear pore complex assembly through the cell cycle: regulation and membrane organization.
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Systematic kinetic analysis of mitotic dis-​ and reassembly of the nuclear pore in living cells.
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