Welcome to Emil!
We welcome the “youngest member” to the Kutay lab family. Happy birthday, little Emil! Congratulations to Claudia and Jakob.
Lab Christmas party

Happy Christmas from the Kutay lab. We enjoyed a Christmas party with the current and previous members of the Kutay lab, including some great food, fun games and of course good company.
Welcome to our new PhD student Harry!
We wish you all the best in the PhD!
Welcome to semester students Markus and Colin
We welcome our semester students Markus and Colin to the lab. They will be in our lab for the coming semester.
Welcome to our new PhD student Virginia!
We wish you all the best in the PhD!
Lab retreat near the Walensee

Our lab organised a fruitful lab retreat closeby Amden filled with lots of interesting scientific discussions, fun activities and beautiful nature.
Our lab received an SNSF advanced grant!
We are honored and grateful to receive an Advanced ERC replacement grant and are looking forward to all the science we will perform with the help of this grant!
Congratulations to Annamaria for successfully defending her PhD thesis!
We celebrated the successful PhD defense of Annamaria! The defense was followed by an apero with lots of delicious food, laughter, games and a hat. All the best to dr. Gamper!
Our lab participated in the yearly SOLA relay race!

Because of the covid pandemic it has been a while, but finally our lab got to participate once more in the SOLA relay race. All runners did a great job and we got to celebrate our accomplishment with a tasty dinner afterwards.
Congratulations to the Jonas lab for their ERC Consolidator Grant!
We were happy to hear that Stefanie Jonas, a former colleague of ours, received a ERC Consolidator Grant to fund her research. Congratulations to her and her lab members!
Welcome to Semester students Joël, Piero, Juan Carlos, and Dominik!
We welcome our semester students Joël, Piero, Juan Carlos, and Dominik to the lab. They will be in our lab for the coming semester.
Our paper on novel players in 60S subunit biogenesis out in NAR!
Congratulations to Kerstin and co-authors for their new paper published in Nucleic Acid Research: “Genome-wide RNAi screen identifies novel players in human 60S subunit biogenesis including key enzymes of polyamine metabolism”
Congratulations to Leonie for successfully defending her Master thesis!
We wish her all the best for the future.