Jasmin received her PhD!

Congratulations to Jasmin for succesfully defending her PhD thesis. The defense and celebration took place online, so friends and family from all over the world were there to watch Jasmin. We wish you all the best!
Goodbye Philipp!
We are sad to say goodbye to Philipp, who has become our ChIP, RNA-Seq and qRT PCR expert over his years in the Kutay lab. We wish you all the best for your new job and your future career!
The Kutay lab is now on Twitter!
Stay up to date with the latest news from our lab by following us on our new Twitter account: @kutay_lab
Collaborative paper on late steps of human 40S biogenesis published in Nature!
Congratulations to Ivo, Jasmin, Ulrike and members of the Beckmann lab at the Gene Center Munich!
Ulrike is a finalist for the Art of Leadership (ALEA) Award!

Ulrike is a finalist for the ALEA award, which honours leaders with an advanced and innovative leadership style. Congratulations to Ulrike and we thank you for all your support!
We welcome Bianka to our lab!
We welcome Bianka Horvath to the lab who will do her Master thesis under supervision of Kerstin!
Warm welcome to Markus!
We welcome our Semesterstudent Markus Fasching to the lab who will do his project under Ivo's supervision.
Goodbye Sumit!
We are saying goodbye to Sumit. After many years in the Kutay lab we are very sad to let you go. We wish you all the best for your next job in Vienna.
Virtual labmeetings

We still have weekly virtual labmeetings and it is fun to catch up with everyone.
Philipp got his PhD!
Congratulations to Philipp who graduated today! A special zoom defense in special times. We wish you all the best!
We are back to the lab
We are happy to slowly start working in the lab again. In shifts and with safe distance from each other. But it is great to see each other again in person and to get some new experiments going.
Lab shutdown
Due to the Corona pandemic the lab is now closed and we continue to work on our data from home. Stay home, stay safe.
Welcome to Emilie!
We welcome the “youngest member” to the Kutay lab family. Happy birthday, little Emilie! Congratulations to Kerstin and Lars.
New paper in Elife!
Congratulations to Christian, Jasmin, Caroline and Kerstin as well as our collaborators for a new paper in Elife: “USP16 counteracts mono-ubiquitination of RPS27a and promotes maturation of the 40S ribosomal subunit.”
Welcome to Viktorija, Alex and Isobel!
We welcome our semester students Viktorija, Alex and Isobel to the lab. They will work on their projects in the upcoming 3 months.