Pilic J and Kleele T†. An organelle tango controls lipid metabolism. external page Nat Cell Biol 2024 Aug;26(8):1227-1228.
Landoni JC*, Kleele T*†, Winter J, Stepp W, Manley S†. Mitochondrial Structure, Dynamics, and Physiology: Light Microscopy to Disentangle the Network. external page Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2024 Jul 8.
Henschke S, Nolte H, Magoley J, Kleele T, Brandt C, Hausen AC, Wunderlich CM, Bauder CA, Aschauer P, Manley S, Langer T, Wunderlich FT, Brüning JC. Food perception promotes phosphorylation of MFFS131 and mitochondrial fragmentation in liver. external page Science 2024 Apr 26;384
Gandhimathi R, Pinotsi D, Köhler M, Mansfeld J, Ashiono C, Kleele T, Pawar S, Kutay U. Super-resolution microscopy reveals focal organization of ER-associated Y-complexes in mitosis. external page EMBO Rep. 2023 Sep 6;24(9):e56766
Kleele T, Rey T, Winter J, Zaganelli S, Mahecic D, Perreten Lambert H, Ruberto FP, Nemir M, Wai T, Pedrazzini T, Manley S. Distinct fission signatures predict mitochondrial degradation or biogenesis. external page Nature 2021 May;593(7859):435-439
Mahecic D, Carlini L, Kleele T, Colom A, Goujon A, Matile S, Roux A, Manley S. Mitochondrial membrane tension governs fission. external page Cell Rep. 2021 Apr 13;35(2)
Wang M, Kleele T, Xiao Y, Plucinska G, Avramopoulos P, Engelhardt S, Schwab MH, Kneussel M, Czopka T, Sherman DL, Brophy PJ, Misgeld T, Brill MS. Completion of neuronal remodeling prompts myelination along developing motor axon branches. external page J Cell Biol. 2021 Apr 5;220(4)
Kiss A, Fischer I, Kleele T, Misgeld T, Propst F. Neuronal Growth Cone Size-Dependent and -Independent Parameters of Microtubule Polymerization. external page Front Cell Neurosci. 2018 Jul 17;12:195
Brill MS*, Kleele T*, Ruschkies L*, Wang M, Marahori NA, Reuter MS, Hausrat TJ, Weigand E, Fisher M, Ahles A, Engelhardt S, Bishop DL, Kneussel M, Misgeld T. Branch-Specific Microtubule Destabilization Mediates Axon Branch Loss during Neuromuscular Synapse Elimination. external page Neuron 2016 Nov 23;92(4):845-856 (*equally contributed)
Herwerth M, Kalluri SR, Srivastava R, Kleele T, Kenet S, Illes Z, Merkler D, Bennett JL, Misgeld T, Hemmer B. In vivo imaging reveals rapid astrocyte depletion and axon damage in a model of neuromyelitis optica-related pathology. external page Ann Neurol. 2016 May;79(5):794-805.
Ehrhardt E, Graf P, Kleele T, Liu Y, Boyan G. Fates of identified pioneer cells in the developing antennal nervous system of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria. external page Arthropod Struct Dev. 2016 Jan;45(1):23-30
Ehrhardt E, Kleele T, Boyan G. A method for immunolabeling neurons in intact cuticularized insect appendages. external page Dev Genes Evol. 2015 Jun;225(3):187-94
Sorbara CD, Wagner NE, Ladwig A, Nikić I, Merkler D, Kleele T, Marinković P, Naumann R, Godinho L, Bareyre FM, Bishop D, Misgeld T, Kerschensteiner M. Pervasive axonal transport deficits in multiple sclerosis models. external page Neuron 2014 Dec 17;84(6):1183-90
Kleele T, Marinković P, Williams PR, Stern S, Weigand EE, Engerer P, Naumann R, Hartmann J, Karl RM, Bradke F, Bishop D, Herms J, Konnerth A, Kerschensteiner M, Godinho L, Misgeld T. An assay to image neuronal microtubule dynamics in mice. external page Nat Commun. 2014 Sep 12;5:4827
Boudewijns ZS, Kleele T, Mansvelder HD, Sakmann B, de Kock CP, Oberlaender M. Semi-automated three-dimensional reconstructions of individual neurons reveal cell type-specific circuits in cortex. external page Commun Integr Biol. 2011 Jul;4(4):486-8
Oberlaender M, Boudewijns ZS, Kleele T, Mansvelder HD, Sakmann B, de Kock CP. Three-dimensional axon morphologies of individual layer 5 neurons indicate cell type-specific intracortical pathways for whisker motion and touch. external page Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Mar 8;108(10):4188-93