Protein-RNA interactions

Clearly protein-RNA interaction is critical to biology in organisms in all domains of life. My laboratory has contributed several major discoveries in system ranging from bacteria to humans. All deal with elucidating a universal RNA recognition code and defining at a molecular and structural level the modes of recognition by distinct classes of RNA-interacting proteins. We solved the first solution structure of the double-stranded RNA for an RNA editing enzyme (5). We have also explained how the regulatory protein RsmE binds the non coding RNA RsmZ, this later acting as a sponge for proteins (6) (see Fig. 1).

5. Stefl R, Oberstrass FC, Hood JL, Jourdan M, Zimmermann M, Skrisovska L, Maris C, Peng L, Hofr C, Emeson RB, Allain F.H.-T (2010) "The solution structure of the ADAR2 dsRBM-RNA complex reveals a sequence-specific readout of the minor groove." Cell 143(2), 225-237.

6. Duss O., Michel E., Yulikov M., Schubert M., Jeschke G., Allain F.H.-T. (2014) "Structural basis of the non-coding RNA RsmZ acting as a protein sponge" Nature, 29, 588-92.

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