This page provides links that we find useful for the different aspects of the Postdoc life in Zürich in general, for a sucessful time at ETH and especially within IBC.
Joining IBC at ETH as a Postdoc
The research groups that are present at IBC are listed here.
ETH is transparent on the salary and provides a salary calculator for the monthly rates. Please note that the average living costs in Switzerland are high, especially for child care (see also here).
The ETH Welcome Center provides further detailed information on housing, moving and other aspects of life like insurances, pension or taxes.
There are different options for fellowships for which Postdocs could apply. Also, ETH offers a fellowship.
Recommended conferences
Of course, we recommend to check for scientifically matching meetings from external page Cold Spring Harbor.
Also, EMBO offers a set of appealing external page events.
The external page Annual RNA Society meeting is well known in the field and attracts every year more than 1000 scientists.
For structural biologist in NMR, the external page ICMRBS - International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems is one of the go-to meetings.
Scientific life at IBC
The Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy ScopeM is the light & electron microscopy facility of ETH that is closely connected to IBC.
Also, there is the NMR platform BNSP that provides access to solution state NMR spectrometer.
It might seem well-known, however we want to point out external page Pubmed and external page Google Scholar for literature research.
We recommend the following yeast databases: external page Yeast genome, external page yeast mine and the external page GFP localization database.
For structural biologists, especially for NMR, we recommend the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank external page BMRB and the protein data bank external page PDB.
The external page ExPASy and external page NCBI bioinformatic tools should also be mentioned.
Daily life at IBC
Hungry? Check out the snack machine in the HPM coffee room or have lunch at one of the food places at Hönggerberg.
IT issues? No worries, ETH or our IT is happy to help.
The closest printer does not work? Print to the ETH Card queue and log in at any other nework connected printer on Campus.
Validate your ETH card? Find here the next validation terminal.
Need to share data? Try the Polybox or the intranet D-BIOL and IBC sharepoints.
Need basic supply chemicals? Go and check out the HCI Shop.