Prof. Dr. Barbara Mellone, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, UConn., USA
"Investigating the role of a conserved retroelement at Drosophila centromeres”, 12 PM, H 33
Prof. Michal Wieczorek, Integrative Approaches in Structural Biology, ETH Zurich
"The gamma-tubulin ring complex and the challenge of making a microtubule", 12 pm, HPM H 33
Dr. Patrick Meraldi, Université de Genève, Department of Cell Physiology and Metabolism
“Primary microcephaly: how very mild chromosome segregation errors can have dramatic consequences”, HPM H 33, 12 pm
Prof. Paul Walton, University of York, UK
"Gender Equality in an Academic Department: How to Do it", 11 am, HCI G7