Dr. Boris Pfander, MPI of Biochemistry, Martinsried Germany
"Double Strand Break Repair – control by chromatin and the cell cycle”,11am/HPM D7.2
Dr. Eva Nowack, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
“Crosstalks between spatial genome organization and stability”, 12 pm/HPM D72.
Prof. David M. Shore, Institute for Genetics and Genomics, University of Geneva
“A ribosome assembly stress pathway in yeast”, HPM D7.2/12 pm
Prof. Jacob Corn, Professor of Genome Biology, ETH Zurich
“Mechanisms of genome editing in human cells”12pm/HPM D7.2
Prof. Stephan Gruber, Unil Lausanne
"Getting chromosomes organized: The power of DNA loop extrusion motors",12pm/HPM D7.2
Prof. Carmen Dessauer, University of Texas Health Science Center
“Adenylyl cyclase signaling and regulation by opioids in nociceptors: role for maintenance of chronic pain states”, 12 pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. Robin Klemm, Group Leader Molecular Cell Biology Institute of Molecular Life Sciences University of Zurich
"Organelle tethering during adipocyte differentiation”,12pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. Harmit Malik, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA
“Genetic conflicts shape meiosis, centromeres and species”, 12pm/HPM H33
Dr. Olivier Gadal, LBME, CNRS, Toulouse University, France
“Quantitative imaging techniques to investigate organisation of yeast chromosomes in interphase" 12pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. Jun-Yi Leu, Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei,Taiwan
“Genetic incompatibility and speciation: what can we learn from yeast”10am/HPM D7.2
Prof. Karim Mekhail, Associate Professor Canada Research Chair in Spatial Genome Organization, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
“Crosstalks between spatial genome organization and stability”, 11:15am/HPM D7.2
Dr. Manuel Mendoza, Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (IGBMC) , Illkirch France
“Later than you thought: On the completion of DNA replication and its coordination with cytokinesis”12pm/HPM D7.2
Professor Steven L. McKnight, Distinguished Chair in Basic Biomedical Research, UTSouthwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
“A solid state conceptualization of information transfer from gene to message to protein” HPM D7.2
Prof. John Silke, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia
"Cell death as a life choice - how TNF, cell death and microbiota intersect in inflammatory diseases” , 12pm/HPM D7.2
Prof. Jared Rutter, University of Utah School of Medicine, USA
"Mitochondria, metabolism and cellular decisions", 12pm/HPM D7.2
Prof. James E. Haber, Brandeis Universiy, Waltham, USA
"Genome Stability and Instability in the Repair of a Broken Chromosome", 12pm/HPM D7.2
Prof. Tom Kirchhausen, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA
"The beauty of the invisible — the secret life of cells",12pm/HPM D7.2
Prof. John Silke, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia
SEMINAR CANCELLED - "Cell death as a life choice - how TNF, cell death and microbiota intersect in inflammatory diseases”, 12pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. Rose Goodchild, Center for Brain & Disease Research, Department of Neurosciences, KU Leuven, Belgium
Torsin regulation of endoplasmic reticulum lipid synthesis in fly development and neurological disease" , 2 pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. David Haselbach, Fellow at the Institute for Molecular Pathology, Vienna
“Analyzing conformational landscapes of macromolecular machines by cryo EM”. 12 pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. Claus M. Azzalin, Group Leader at iMM, Lisbon, Portugal
“TERRA comes back to IBC: more on telomeres and long noncoding RNA” 12 pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. Romain Koszul, Department of Genomes and Genetics, Institute Pasteur, Paris France
"Exploring the genomic structure of complex microbial populations using DNA 3D collisions", 12pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. Tim Clausen, Senior Scientist, IMP Vienna, Austria
“UNC45 - a moonlighting chaperone keeping muscle proteins in shape”. 12 pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. Pei-Chi Wei, Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston USA
“Recurrent Breaking Genes in Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells” 12pm/HPM D7.2
Cancellation Dr. Tim Levine, Clinical Lecturer at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology Faculty of Brain Sciences, London UK
"Looking for Lipid Traffic",12pm/HPM D7.2
Prof. Dr. Madalena Tarsounas, University of Oxford, Oxford Institute of Radiation Oncology
“Probing for the Achilles Heel of BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutated Tumours”12pm/HPM D7.2
Dr. Alfredo Castello, Department of Biochemistry of Oxford University, U.K.
“The expanding universe of RNA-binding proteins: insights into virus infection" 12pm/HPM D7.2
Prof. Gerhard Christofori, Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Switzerland
“Cell plasticity during EMT and cancer metastasis” 4pm/HPM D7.2
Anne-Claude Gavin, PhD, EMBL, Germany
"Lipid metabolism : connecting the dots" 12 pm / HPM D7.2
Sandro Baldi, PhD, Biomedical Center Munich (LMU), Germany
“Revealing chromatin regularity - and what chromatin regularity reveals” 12 pm / HPM D 7.2
Silvia Ramundo, PhD, UCSF
"Exploring MARS: a collection of Mutants Affecting Retrograde Signaling" 12 pm / HPM D7.2