PACE BBQ August 2023

The PACE Postdocs came together for a great BBQ on a sunny August evening on the beautiful institute terrace.
Postdoc Day March 2023

On 28th March 2023, the postdocs of IBC met at Villa Hatt in Zürich for a day of science, networking, and exchange. Each participant presented their work in chalk talks which were a great basis for fruitful and intense discussions. We ended the day with a session on postdoc life at IBC to collect new ideas for future PACE activities. Stay tuned!
IBC Seminars Simon Alberti and Dorothee Dormann
In the beginning of 2023, the IBC postdocs Sonja Kroschwald and Prashant Rawat invited Prof. Simon Alberti (TU Dresden, Germany) and Prof. Dorothee Dormann (IMB and JGU Mainz, Germany) for a PACE seminar. In addition to excellent talks, many postdocs got the chance to interact with our speakers in scientific sessions and during lunch and dinner.
Annual Postdoc BBQ 2022
During summer, the Postdocs host a BBQ either on the rooftop of HPM or at one of the BBQ sites close to campus. We want to thank all those who joined us this year. See you again at the Postdoc BBQ in 2023!
D-BIOL Symposium 2022
The D-BIOL Symposium took place in summer of 2022. It was a great pleasure to meet so many of you there! Thank you also to the organizers!
Life Sciences PostDoc Day 2017

As a tradition, representatives of AMB, PACE and of four ETH domains (CHAB, BSSE, BIOL, USYS) realized the 5th annual PostDoc Day, as a conference by and for postdoctoral fellows and advanced PHD candidates researching the life sciences. This event took place on September 15th in HIL E1 (Hönggerberg campus). Besides 28 registered talks, flash talks and poster sessions, around 130 participants created a stimulating environment to meet and interact with other scientist and to present their own research.
Further information about this event and the program can be found here.
Life Sciences PostDoc Day 2015

In 2015 PACE organized together with AMB the first ETH-wide Life sciences PostDoc Day, which was initiated for all Postdocs of the 4 ETH Domains PSI, EPFL, BSSE, and ETHZ.
With over 100 participants it was a great success featuring poster sessions and flash talks provided by postdocs as well as career-oriented panel discussions with external speakers.
Postdoc Day 2014 (Villa Hatt, Zurich)

The 2nd IMsB-IBC Postdoc Day took place on October, 6th at the Villa Hatt (Zürich).
Further information about the program can be found Download here. (PDF, 301 KB)
D-BIOL Symposium (Davos)

PACE officially attended the D-BIOL symposium in Davos. The meeting took place from Tuersday, 10th to Thursday, 12th of June 2014 in the Davos Congress Center. We want to thank all people who stopped by our poster presentation to learn more about PACE and our activities. Follow this link, for more information about the symposium. Our poster can be viewed Download here. (PDF, 136 KB)
Postdoc-to-PI Event (IBC ETHZ, 11/2013)

In collaboration with representatives of AMB (Akademischer Mittelbau am Department Biologie), we invited five group leaders to share their career path to give useful hints on building and organizing a lab as well as recruiting lab members and applying for funding. This event was open to all D-Biol-members and attracted about 100 participants.
Further information about the program can be found Download here. (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Joint IBC-IMSB Postdoc Day 2013 (Villa Hatt, Zurich)

This event was organized to encourage interactions between postdocs of the Institute of Biochemistry (IBC) and the Institute for Molecular Systems Biology (IMSB) at ETHZ, to foster collaborations, to welcome new postdocs, and to share science as well as experiences in job applications.
Further information about the program can be found Download here. (PDF, 259 KB)