
At IBC, there are numerous postdocs working throughout different labs. Since 2005, PACE has had a dedicated mission to stimulate interactions between postdocs across the institute. This association is run by and for the postdocs in order to develop a sense of community, broaden scientific horizons, and assist in career development.
Our Missions
Connect Postdocs to each other

The Institute of Biochemistry (IBC) consists of 7 independent research groups employing around 100 people, of which about 20 are postdocs. PACE offers a dynamic networking platform in order to stimulate interactions and to develop a sense of community amongst these postdocs.
Promote the transition from Postdoc to PI

PACE assists the career development and networking of the postdocs at IBC by inviting professors with well-established research groups as well as junior group leaders at the start of their independent research. The invited speakers not only share their research during regularly organized PACE-seminars but also their personal experience in lively informal roundtable discussions following the seminars.
Research exchange and scientific collaborations

PACE invests energy in promoting research exchange and collaborations between IBC / D-BIOL- members as well as with international researchers. Our seminars, which are open for all IBC-members facilitate the interactions with international colleagues in order to broaden the scientific horizons and to create a basis for scientific collaborations.
Continuing Education

As postdocs at IBC, we are involved in mentoring Master- and PhD-Students. Additionally, we are actively organizing bi-annual block courses for Bachelor-Students at the ETHZ. Thereby, while contributing to high quality student education, we have ample opportunities to build and enhance our teaching experiences. Contributing to PACE means also taking individual initiatives and responsibilities, e.g. by organizing our PACE events and seminars. Therefore, in accordance with our mission to promote the transition from postdoc to PI, our postdocs have the opportunity to improve and learn new skills essential for their next career steps.
The postdoctoral researchers work on different topics in the field of cell biology, life science and biochemistry. For more information on their personal research projects or for direct contact, please visit the website of the research groups.