Network / Connectivity

Collaborations and networking are critical to innovation, new ideas and hypothesis, and the development of new technologies. The Institute of Biochemistry offers a stimulating environment to foster important connections:
- Collaborations/networks: All IBC research groups maintain collaborations within ETH, Switzerland, and around the world. Many of our groups are part of scientific networks such as the external page NCCR (National Center of Competences in Research) ‘RNA and disease’ and the BML consortium (Bringing Material to Life).
- PhD programs: IBC is recruiting their doctoral students via various international PhD programs in the framework of the external page Life Science Zurich Graduate School, which connect our PhD students with a wide network of students in the Zurich area and offer additional opportunities for personal skill development.
- Outreach: We engage in larger outreach activities and disseminate our science to a broader audience through events, such as the Information days at ETH Zurich and the external page Swiss Future Days. We also host students of various levels from local elementary schools to international students from other Universities (e.g. Amgen Summer School).
- Conferences: IBC members are participating in national and international meetings and conferences to get to know their peers face to face, sharing scientific results and experiences in person. In addition, IBC is actively participating in the organization of meetings, such as the bi-annual “Joining Forces Symposium” held at ETH, bringing together interdisciplinary research areas.
- Seminar series: IBC group leaders, PhD students, and the postdoc association (PACE) are regularly inviting internationally renowned speakers to foster scientific exchange and collaborations.
- Social networks: Last but not least, many of our groups share their scientific progress and group activities with the scientific community via social networks (see individual research groups).